But don't be alarmed because Viral Marketing - although HiGhLy contagious, is definitely not harmful at all. And it's definitely not some weird disease or crazy computer virus. In fact it actually has a very fun & exciting nature about it. And that's why it spreads so rapidly. Because just about everyone who comes in contact with it is anxious to spread the word about it. And before you know it~~~
It s~w~e~e~p~s through the Internet like wildfire~~becoming virtually UNStoppable!.....Hence: Viral Marketing.
viral marketing portal
Viral Marketing is indisputably one of the most (if not THE most) magnificent marketing phenomenons to ever take control of the Internet!!!
To delve deeper into the definition of viral marketing, your marketing MUST contain the 'SHARE FACTOR' in order to go 'viral' (i.e. it MUST motivate people to willingly share your marketing message(s) with others ~ easily). Not because they're forced to. But because they WANT to ~~ And are EXCITED to!-) That's the simple authentic Beauty of Viral Marketing.
This unsolicited and natural way that your marketing message is passed along is what makes viral marketing such a highly effective form of marketing.
Once people start the Viral marketing ball rolling there's just no telling how far it will go. It can go on endlessly... carrying your marketing message with it ~~ ENDLESSLY. There's no limit on how many eyes could eventually come in contact with what you have to offer. It could be Hundreds, Thousands or maybe even Millions! Due to the Power of Viral Marketing, this is surely not unrealistic or impossible. Believe that!
The Birth of Viral Marketing
Viral Marketing has been around for years. Likely long before it was ever even called "Viral Marketing". Now-a-days it has gained popularity -- and has become more referral friendly i.e., easier for people to 'share with others' through various means (e.g. videos, blogs, ebooks, articles, software, bookmarks, etc...)
In the offline world it can be best compared to "word-of-mouth marketing". But in the online world it has been crowned with the mysterious title of Viral Marketing ~~ symbolizing that it spreads like a virus across the Net! And that's all it is, a symbolic term, a metaphor. As you know now, Viral Marketing Is Not a virus at all. As with any other marketing method, if used properly, it is very e-ffective. marketing technique.
The first Major Internet company to put the definition of viral marketing into action was Microsoft's Hotmail.
(if you don't know who they are then you've probably been living under a rock - Hotmail is a major email service provider Worldwide)
Hotmail executed their clever viral marketing campaign so smooth and so naturally -- that people who were exposed to it were never even aware that they were being marketed to. And that's viral marketing at it's best! Smooth, natural, inconspicuous, unobtrusive. it's like a great actor who plays their role so natural and realistically that you actually BELIEVE they're really that character.
What Hotmail did...
was simply provide people with a way to get their own FREE email account - something everyone wanted and were excited to get! And they cleverly tagged their advertisement to each account. Now every time someone bragged to others about how they got their own free email account.. and told others "You can get one too!!"...Guess what?... You got it:) They signed-up quick fast & in a hurry!
And as they say "the rest is history!" As people spread the word ~ hotmail's marketing message(s) tagged happily along with each new account ~ spreading exponentially like a virus all across the Internet. It is said that in a single year, Hotmail's service grew from 100,000 users to a whopping 8,000,000! That's wild!! And the Major Key to their rapid success was accredited to the clever and cost-effective strategy of none other than...
Let's say it together;-) ~~~Viral Marketing~~~
Further Reference on Wikipedia: Definition of Viral Marketing
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